
Behavioral Therapy

Despite being some of the most evident problems to identify, behavioral issues can be the most frustrating to change. Modern Reality is designed to help families and provide education on change-based strategies. These problems are not easily interrupted however, through intervention and family support these issues can be managed.

Addiction Therapy

Technology continues to advance and promote online interactions. Video games, social media, internet streaming and many other online advancements have begun to plague today’s youth. Although some can moderate their use of modern technology, others become obsessed and neglect healthy social interactions. Modern Reality educates families to utilize a diverse set of interventions and strategies to promote healthier social interactions and behaviors.

The substance use epidemic cripples a healthy society and damages the community. Illicit use of substances can promote behaviors that will cause significant strain on a family. Proper education of substance use and effective intervention strategies can assist in preventing further harm.

Mental Health Therapy

Mental health issues are common and often misunderstood. Individuals struggling with mental health are often troubled, confused, and in need of help. Treating such issues can foster positive changes that promote healthy family and social interactions. Mental health issues are addressed with the most effective therapeutic strategies: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Experiential Therapy, and other strategies to optimize the treatment outcome.

Family Therapy

An individual’s choices and behaviors have significant weight on the prosperity of a family. Modern Reality places tremendous emphasis on family therapy and is a mandatory component of all treatment processes. Interventions, strategies and techniques are often temporary without family involvement. Modern Reality aspires to equip families with the necessary tools to change and rehabilitate their family dynamics.

In addition, Modern Reality also offers services to promote healthy habilitation. Providing families with professional strategies to foster healthy growth and development for our youth. Habilitation strategies can assist families in recognizing and intervening on unhealthy behaviors prior to further development.