
Behavioral Issues

Today’s youth is infested with unhealthy characteristics and behaviors that will continue to develop without intervention. Modern Reality is designed to assist families that are dealing with concerns, including but not limited to:

Attachment/Dependency Problems
Attention Seeking Behaviors
Denial/Lack of Responsibility
Compulsive Behaviors
Eating Habits
Failure to Launch*
Lifestyle Development
Property/Physical Destruction
Social Withdrawal/Isolation

*Failure to launch is a term used to describe the independence that should be attained by a young adult rather than continued dependence on family members, often parental figures. The lack of growth and experience as an autonomous, self-sustaining adult often hinders a sense of responsibility and stunts the ability to progress and grow as a productive member of society.

Behavioral issues typically increase in severity and become more ingrained over time. Further development will only jeopardize family and social interactions, academics, employment, self-esteem, and other major domains within their life. The sooner that a family is equipped to handle these issues, the greater the chance of extinguishing the problematic behavior.

Addictive Behaviors

Video games, social media and other electronic obsessions are correlated with a lack of interest towards family relationships, athletics, academics and other responsibilities. Without intervention or moderation, online interactions will plague our youth and inhibit their healthy development.

Substance use is arguably one of the most challenging dynamics that can enter into a family system. In association with the explicit dangers of lethal and legal consequences, there are a significant amount of behaviors that affect an entire family. Behaviors such as lying, manipulation, stealing, isolation, anger, and other problematic activities can be devastating to everyone involved. The malignant behaviors tend to increase in severity over a prolonged period of substance use without intervention.

All of these behaviors are diverse and can present differently in every home. These behaviors are often habit forming and can be extremely difficult to stop abruptly. Regardless of the presentation, addictive behaviors can cause a significant amount of strain within a family and to the individual engaging in the behavior.

Mental Health Issues

Mental health related issues are some of the most crippling issues for society today. People with mental health related issues are often faced with challenges that can inhibit or impact daily functioning. The list of mental health related issues that can be addressed in treatment are extensive, but some of the more prevalent issues are the following:

Bipolar Disorder
Eating Disorders
Emotional Instability
Obsessive Thought Processes
Sexual/Gender Identity
Social Identity
Substance Induced Problems

Mental health problems can leave a loved one feeling broken, alone, and scared. These feelings are difficult to understand and often misunderstood. The lack of understanding can cause strained relationships, frustration and further conflict within a family.

Family Issues

Individuals with mental health issues or behavioral related problems affect those closest to them by their thoughts, actions and behaviors. Family members are often caught in the different emotions, challenges, and conflicts.

Treatment, therapy and other clinical services typically focus on the individual with behavioral or mental health concerns. Treating an individual is helpful but will likely regress without family support. Modern Reality emphasizes the importance of family involvement and is foundational to effective treatment